
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Your Google Map

I was wandering around the web (the usual me that is), and I was looking for a place somewhere in the United States. I need a map for the very same reason and what better could it be than Google maps. However, I tried to search a little bit more and I found this interesting website.

The website is called yourgmap.
What is really interesting about this map is, that it is personalized specifically to you.

Lets say one day you wanna mark all the places in the world to which ur somehow associated.
All you do is go to yourgmap, register, mark all the places on the map where u are related, say your college, your home, your school,etc and then publish your map.

People can view your personal map and get to noe a lot more about u and the places ur associated with. Well it does server a purpose i say

Ragatech Ratings : 3.5 (The 0.5 for the concept)

Wordpress Themes

For all you wordpress bloggers out there, these may come as a reiteration.

Now that word press is widget ready, its quite easy to mess you template up if ur trying to change your layout. However there are these widget ready templates already available to which u can easily tweak.

Enjoy free and premium widget ready wordpress themes at

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Quick Order

Assume You are a coffee addict. On a really taxing day when you needed that cup of coffee desperately, you find that there is a huge queue at the cafe.

How does it sound if I told you, you can now order coffee by you cell phone, to jump that queue, so that nothing comes between you and your darling coffee.

You would say I am kidding, and does it even sit fit as a business opportunity.
Well we would not have to wait for the answer.

iPhone/iPod Touch "Quick Order" application allows users to order their favorite StartBucks Drink without having to go through the hassles of waiting in the queue.
If this wasnt enough for you, you can also pay for it using the application from your phone.

Now thats what I call Sleeeeeek!

Image Courtesy :

Google Patents

These days I am working on a concept for the Retail Industry. Although the concept is still far ahead of its time and currently not acceptable wrt to the funding and infrastructure it needs. However, was trying to make a presentation on it and was to make a patent application for the same once the concept matured.

However, I did not know about the patents already registered associated in the periphery of my concept, as the concept assumed a lot of things.
This is where Google Patents helped me a lot.
I was not only able to find the exact assumed patents I needed for my Citations but also it gave me a lot more information about the patents and their respective authors.

I would definitely want to recommend this for a try and u will love it for sure

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Live Documents

Finally a review i had been longing to write

Its 2 months since Sabeer Bhatia, announced live documents as the future of office, and 2 months since i have been waiting for my request for an account to be approved :(

You can learn about LiveDocuments at

Amazingly, he has come up with another application that is a gem and addictive if you are a person on the move and use google docs extensively.

Their efforts to replicate the Office 2007 is quite commendable and they seem to have done more than justice to this baby.

With bandwith not a every man's luxury as yet, it can be quite taxing for the dialup buddies but if have the bandwith, this is one thing u should definitely get the hang of.

Well, responding to Sabeer's claims of getting the better of google docs, he does the the weapon, but we will have to wait to see if does anydamage to a well established and an all integrated solution.

He aims to cross a Billion users soon enough, All the best buddy! With a concept like this, he sure has got the wheels moving

Picture courtesy :
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