
Friday, November 10, 2006

Google posts Kama Sutra worm

Google has admitted that three posts on the Google Video group blog on Tuesday evening were contaminated with the Kama Sutra worm. The offending posts have now been deleted.

It's unclear how many subscribers to the 50,000 member list became infected as a result of the SNAFU. Google advises cocerned subscribers to run an anti-virus check.

The Kama Sutra worm is a mass mailiing worm, discovered in January 20o6, which deletes the registry keys of anti-virus and P2P programs from infected PCs. The worm is also programed to delete system files on the third day of every month. The worm, which spreads in the guise of offering pornographic content, never spread very far and was never considered much of a threat.

Google has apologised over the incident and promised to take steps to make sure something similar doesn't happen again.

Source :


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Hope for no silence

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